The Sting

Yesterday, whilst mowing the lawn, I was stung on the back of my right calf by a wasp.

It hurt like hell!  Within seconds the area around the sting had started to swell up and turn a deathly white. It would eventually be about egg sized before (about an hour later) starting to return to normal. Of course we had no appropriate medicine at home, so I just endured. Even now, almost 24 hours later, I can still feel a slight tinge at the place of the sting.

I did manage to see the culprit. It wasn’t a yellowjacket – it was bigger and blacker.

Or maybe not. The wildlife camera was turned on yesterday and I just now retrieved this shot, taken at the exact moment I was attacked.


As you can see I am lucky to be alive!

3 Responses to “The Sting”

  1. Bernard says:

    That is indeed a large wasp. You are very lucky.

    It seems to be unseasonably cold in your part of the country…

  2. mycroft says:

    Most amusing, sir. Most amusing.

  3. jf says:

    This one provided me a good laugh with my morning coffee. You should point that camera skyward and try to capture some UFOs.