Legendary Item

A few weeks back I tweeted the following:

Just ordered something great online. It cost me nothing, not even one cent (including shipping)! I’ll blog it when it arrives πŸ™‚

Well it arrived, and here it is:


What could it be? I excitedly opened the package, and this amazing thing was inside:


Yes my good sirs, it is a brand new Game & Watch!

But not truly new, for this is the 2010 reproduction of the first ever Game & Watch that has been made available on Nintendo.com to registered owners of Nintendo product. It cost 1200 coins, which means approximately $1200 worth of registered Nintendo product.

It took me over 2 hours the other week to fill out 40+ surveys to get enough coins to redeem for this item πŸ™‚



Those curves! That sexy faux brushed steel! That funi red button!


I like the Club Nintendo logo on the back.

But how does it play you ask? Well my friends, here is the face of someone playing it:


And here is some video of the action:

I only played it once, and in that single game my highest score was 160, as you can see here:


Was I wrong? Surely everyone will agree this is a legendary item πŸ™‚

One Response to “Legendary Item”

  1. Florence says:

    you sir, are a dorkus malorkus.

    (and yes, i know.. that’s not latin)