What, what, what??!?!

So we’re taking a walk this evening, as we very often do, and we’re heading down a street near our place toward a cross street when this dude rockets by on a unicycle. And not just any old unicycle (because, you know, you see them every day…) but a friggin weird unicyle with a giant wheel.

It was amazing. Surreal. I forget what we were chatting about but the conversation immediately stopped and we looked at each other as if to verify that we’d both seen the same thing…

We quickly rushed to the end of the street and looked around the corner for a better glance (I wanted to shout out at him and ask him WTF) but he had vanished into thin air!

This image, from www.unicycle.co.uk, is the best representation I could find online (the wheel is about a metre in diameter):

quax361.jpg< We saw some dude riding one of these! His riding style was truly impressive. He was sortof leaning forward, resting his hands on his legs and really moving... I really hope we see him again

One Response to “What, what, what??!?!”

  1. Bernard says:

    Stop watching high def TV and post something! 🙂