Farewell, Beloved Bootsy

Tragically, and rather unexpectedly, we had to have our beloved cat Bootsy ‘put to sleep’ this evening. He was 12 years old.

Bootsy had been sick for some time, almost certainly with kidney failure. About a month ago he grew noticeably worse, started losing weight rapidly and showed a massive increase in drinking and urination (classic symptoms). We knew he was ailing, but his demeanor was still positive and it was easy to convince ourselves ‘he was happy’ despite his condition and the stress we are sure he must have been under.

Today, reasonably suddenly, it became clear Bootsy had become incontinent. Deciding that it was time to say goodbye was difficult, to say the least. Given that it’s only been just over six months since we lost Ziggi, it is even harder to deal with.

Here’s a photo of Bootsy in happier days (when he was still quite fat).

bootsy.jpg < Bootsy Schmitz (1994-2006)

Bootsy was a very different cat than Ziggi. He was much quiter for instance, and kept to himself more often than not. But he loved affection (on his own terms), and enjoyed the simple pleasures of a cats life (such as lazing in a patch of sun). I suppose one could say Bootsy was our most cat-like cat.

We love you Bootsy, and will miss you forever…

One Response to “Farewell, Beloved Bootsy”

  1. Bernard says:

    Poor thing. He seemed to be the most relaxed of your cats.

    There’s a better processed version of that photo at