The Incognito Bandito

One of the following four events did not actually occur today. Can you guess which is not true?

  1. In the Price Chopper carpark on the way home today, I was almost * attacked by an EVIL SNAKE!
  2. On the drive home, I had to give right-of-way to a pair of GIANT HORSES!
  3. A friend of mine (good naturedly) rejected a Hawaii souvenir on the basis of it being OFFENSIVE!
  4. When I got home, I knitted a model DALEK!

Here’s a hint for which one is a fabrication (geddit):

dalek sewed.jpg

Which means the other three must be true…

* – some details omitted

2 Responses to “The Incognito Bandito”

  1. Rod says:

    Heh … So when do we get a look at the offensive gift? I’m happy to offer my services as a censor 🙂

  2. Robert says:

    It was a simple fridge magnet of a girl in a (modest) bikini with hawaii written on it. He declined it because his faith prevented him from owning such a thing 🙂