We bought a Playstation 3.

I still think it’s overpriced (and that does not mean I don’t think it’s good value), and seriously lacking in good games. Hence our decision to buy the system and no games! Neither did we buy any Blu-Ray movies, the other major use of the device!

I have to say though, we’ve sortof fallen in love with it. The HD graphics look spectacular on our TV, and it’s going to be a delight watching movies in high-res.

The bottom line for me right now, though, is Super Stardust HD, one of the three games I downloaded for the system from PSN (The Playstation Network). $9.99 bought me one of the very best ‘arena’ shooters I have ever, ever played. And the amazing graphics, particle effects and abundance of objects on the screen are only icing on the sweet shooter cake.

Check out a video of the game here.

The first game I will buy will likely be Ratchet & Clank when it comes out in 6 weeks or so.

Not that I’m starved for games right now. In addition to oodles of portable games (including the colossal Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for PSP), I’m deep into Metroid Prime 3 for Wii, which is just spectacular.

The next post will not be about games!

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