My Names Day?

When we were kids we celebrated names day, which was the feast day or the saint we were named after. Mine is June 6.

The Catholic church designated June 6 as the feast day of Blessed Robert Salt. Blessed is one step below Saint, but since he’s been Blessed for hundreds of years I figure he’ll always remain that way. There are other Saint Robert’s (quite a few in fact), each with their own feast day (one, for instance, has June 7) but for some reason in our family we always celebrated mine on June 6.

Anyway names day is a time of great celebration and – more importantly – abundant bestowing of gifts. I haven’t celebrated it in quite some time (say, 25 years) but I have decided to resurrect it this year.

I can’t wait to see what I get 🙂

2 Responses to “My Names Day?”

  1. alma says:

    When you call your special day “Names Day” you acknowledge your German heritage. When young you have celebrated your Namestag and I would have translated Namestag as names day when more correctly I should have called it name-day.
    In those days the “abundant bestowing of gifts” consisted of one single bar of chocolate.

  2. Robert says:

    A single bar of chocolate??!

    Mmmm…I must have remembered things incorrectly 🙂