
Todays was Bernards birthday.  We went and had a fancy and dignified lunch to celebrate.

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Ok, ok. I admit some of these were taken at dinner, not lunch. But you get the idea. The lunch was chinese, at a very nice restaurant inside a local pub. Some of the best chinese I have had in a long time actually (the ‘special fried rice’ contained chicken, pork, beef and prawns). After eating we wandered into the poker machine room, and dad ended up winning about $15! Good for him I say!

Although I still don’t approve of gambling :<

It was blisteringly hot today as well, which meant lots of this sort of thing:


In the afternoon I went for a walk into the city and back which took a couple of hours and damn nearly killed me. I also didn’t take any photos, but since I’ll certainly go back (to see the beaches) you can expect some next week. I visited a few used booksellers and found 5 gamebooks, including 2 from a series (Virtual Reality Adventures) I had never heard of, so that was a small thrill!

And, lest you feared I abandoned it – the Lift tally returns! During the last three days I have drunk:
– 9 375 mL cans
– 2 600 mL bottles
– 1 400 mL bottle
Bringing the trip total so far to 17.95 L.

Hrm… maybe I should think about cutting back…

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