I Walked Forever

Today I walked over 28 kilometres. My total time spent (just) walking exceeded 5.5 hours. Here’s a map of my path:


I first walked from mum and dad’s place to the Charlestown Square mall (about 11km) via another portion of the Fernleigh Track that we walked the other day. The day was much, much cooler than yesterday (about 24 C) and there was a nice breeze. The walk was far easier than I expected – quite pleasant actually.

This portion of the trail is a repurposed old train line like the other, and about halfway along there is a most terrible tunnel..

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The tunnel is lengthy, dark and dank. It is spanned by webs as thick as your little finger, and if you allow your eyes to get accustomed to the gloom you can almost see gibbering half-human/half-slug babies crawling around on the roof. It is said that if you stop walking for even an instant in this abyssal tunnel then your next step will take you out of this world and into somewhere from which no man has ever returned…

Needless to say, I hurried through.

Near Charlestown Square I saw the following two sites:

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The left is a Kookaburra on a mailbox! He was cute and fat and unafraid. The right is a rosella eating banksia pollen. There is a story about him, which I will share in a few days. In fact I will share it via video, but (apallingly) Bernard and I have eaten through dad’s monthly internet quota in 4 days and are now paying a criminal $0.15/MB for usage. So uploading the video would cost me over $8…it can wait!

Lunch was a doner kebab, which was fantastic but left a thin chalky film inside my mouth that tasted like regret. Maybe I won’t eat another this trip 🙂


After the square I walked home via Garden City (another 11 or so km) and then finished the day with a quick jaunt (about 6km round trip) into Darby Street and back. Strangely enough, despite this titanic stroll (42,000 steps on my pedometer) my legs never really got tired. My shoulder was aching though, perhaps because I’d carried a bag most of the day?

3 cans of Lift and 2 bottles today. I’ll tally again in a few days. Right now I am tired and need to sleep. I have a big day planned for tomorrow!

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