My Father Is An Apple-Seller

Updating this blog is hard work!

Ok, complaint aside, today Bernard and I went on a ‘big day out’! Our goals were beaches, (used) bookstores and a few other places.

We started with Dudley beach, an unpatrolled surfing beach. Last night we had an impressive rainstorm, and the weather lingered today, a bit bleak and dark. Perfect day for a beach in other words. There were a lot of surfers, but not many waves.


We then visited Redhead, a popular destination for us as kids. The beach stretches south for ever, but the surfing area is on the northern edge.

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The second image is of Merewether beach, taken later in the day. The wind on the cliff from where I took this image was amazing – almost pushing me over. In the far distance we could see a guy kitesurfing, which was quite a sight. I wonder if this can be seen in the photo?

Changing tack for a second, here are photos of some of the worst (and simultaneously best) items I have ever seen for sale:

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The item at right (officially licensed, obviously) is something I truly regret not buying 🙁

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This is Christchurch Cathedral, on top of a hill overlooking Newcastle:


We walked up the tower (162 steps!) to have a look at the city. It was quite a view, if a bit windy. On the way out I snapped a shot of the precious solid-gold chalice they keep behind a plate of glass with vibration and motion sensors attached to it!

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Two eating shots! The photo of dad was taken at dinner today, at a local chinese restaurant.

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And here’s a shot of mum with some origami Bernard made for her:


And here’s a shot of me, with the city of my youth in the background. Today was our last day in Newcastle and I likely will not be back here for a few more years.


Tomorrow we’re off to Sydney for the last leg of our trip. I intend to make these last few days last!

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