She Can Heal The Sick!

I’m sick today, a cold or something. Sore head, sore chest, grumpy. This is a day to stay in bed, although I can’t do that. I’ll do the next best thing: recline on the couch, hoping I feel much better tomorrow since I’m not cancelling class.

Whatever could cheer me up and make me feel better? This could:


“Who is that?” you ask, well that is Doguchan!

Here she is in her full ogre-hunting attire:


Doguchan is a 10,000 year-old hunter of ‘yokai’ (monsters) from the Jomon period of Japanese history. With her little dogu friend, she hunts and slays the monsters threatening modern day Japan. She’s impetuous and belligerent and silly but also very cute, and she doesn’t take things too seriously either 🙂

We started watching the show last night and it’s just fantastic. You can check out a Japanese TV advert here. (This weird video is strangely compelling as well.)

AW: do not hesitate; run to the Korean DVD shop and buy this boxset ASAP. You will not regret it 🙂

(Now I shall return to being sick!)

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