Happy Birthday JAF!
I thought for myself, “What can I do for JAF on her birthday?”. Only one thing sprung to mind: I thought I’d use modern technology to answer a question everyone has been asking for aeons: “What does JBF look like without a beard”
Here’s the gentleman in question:
He has worn a beard for so long no-one can remember what he looked like without one! It’s possible that KLS has never seen him without a beard, and the jury is out on whether he may have even been born with a beard.
Happily, modern technology allows us to answer this ultimate question:
Ok, ok. I just did a quicky ‘shop by pasting his eyes and nose onto George Bush! Sue me for being funny I say!
But – just for JAF on her birthday – enough joking! I now present the stunning reality:
Very film noir isn’t he?
OK OK! Yes, I did it again! The source image of Telly Savalas was so handsome I couldn’t resist! I apologize m(_)m
Enough joking. This time for real, as a special gift for JAF for putting up with me all these years – her hubby, beardless:
You can praise my ‘shopping skillz in the comments 🙂
The first thing that comes to mind is that he has a bad case of vitiligo (sp?)
This is truly scary but at the same time hilarious. I wonder if I should show it to him.
Show him!
I find it amusing my 60 second Telly Savalas version turned out so much better than the 15 minute ‘real’ version!
L33t skillz, d00d.