Chicken Cooking Jesuses

I’ll dedicate the first part of todays entry to my brother. Here is a photo to get you in the spirit:


That, brother-of-mine, was todays lunch. I dedicate every meal I eat at this fine establishment to you, since I know you wished you could have been here eating it with me. Since it’s been a while, I want to reassure you the chicken burgers cooked by Oporto are still fit to be served to God and Lift washes them down like the most ambrosiac dew on Earth. I’ll be eating many more such meals, I assure you, and I shall raise my glass (well, plastic bottle) in your name each time I do.

Ok, with that out of the way, I have a bombshell today for my readers!

Here’s the photographic evidence:


What you say? These are rosellas eating food off the ground with a few pigeons. Someone had put out a feeding platform and the entire flock had turned up to have a feast. And they had no fear, so I was able to get some video. Enjoy:

(Please click here if the video is not showing up)

Today I went to Bondi Beach, Australia’s (and one of the world’s) most famous. The day was young but the sun was already beating down. It was a lovely day to walk through the surf and enjoy the sights.


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Since I got a bit of sunburn yesterday I slathered on the sunblock today. It’s a wonder I didn’t slide from one end of the beach to the other 🙂

On the way back I stopped at Bondi Junction and found an enormous mall. It was there I ate my heavenly lunch, as well as admired this three-story tall LED advertising billboard:


One store also sold the biggest blocks of chocolate I’ve seen in a store:


I got back to the apartment just after lunch, and Adam and I watched a UFC pay-per-view live from America. It was… violent!

And now the evening approaches, and pies are in the oven. Tomorrow, I’m off to the Sydney for a bit of strollin’, and a bit of hatin’

(And yes, that’s an obscure joke!)

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