Farewell, Beloved Mosley

No one knows how, 18 long years ago, that tiny mewling kitten was separated from her mother and left to fend for herself in this harsh, cruel world. No one knows how she ended up under that pine tree in Rochester, afraid and very, very sad.

Little did she know at the time this was the most fortuitous event that would happen in her life, because it so happened the tree was in the front yard of Jim & Joyce’s house (KLS parents) and they took that sweet, lost kitten in, and made her their very own.

Mosley, with Kristin

Mosley passed away yesterday at the ripe old age of 18. Her’s was a life free of worry, in a home that knows how best to love their cats. Her days were spent resting, or chasing mice, or watching the birds out the windows, or just hanging out with her human and cat friends. A cat paradise, in other words.

Some years ago she became very ill and it seemed as if she was planning to depart this mortal coil. Even then she’d lived a long life, but – impossibly! – she recovered and enjoyed quite a few more years of catty fortune.

Alas, as with all things, age eventually caught up to Mosley. From our perspective her passing is truly sad, especially for a cat that has shared our lives for so long. But I’m sure, had she been able to, Mosley would have assured us that her life was truly wonderful, and given the chance, she wouldn’t have wanted to find herself stranded under any other tree…

One Response to “Farewell, Beloved Mosley”

  1. jf says:

    I love what you wrote and this picture too, which I don’t remember ever seeing before. My tears returned as I read your words but at the same time I found them comforting. Thank you Robert!