My PhD Defense

Yesterday I completed and submitted my PhD dissertation to my committee. I will defend in 2 weeks.

For those unaware, the process of obtaining a PhD is long and complicated and contains many requirements. Most of these I completed years ago. The largest and final requirement is to summarize all your work in a dissertation which is reviewed by a committee of 5 people (other physicists) and then to defend the work, which involves a 45 minute presentation followed by a Q&A session.

My thesis/dissertation took about 5 months to write and ended at exactly 150 pages (29000+ words). To say I am relieved to have printed copies and handed them to the committee is an understatement.

To say I am tired now after working overtime on this during this last week especially is also an understatement.

My next step is to write the presentation and begin studying for any questions they may ask me. Within two weeks from today, it should hopefully all be over.

One Response to “My PhD Defense”

  1. jf says:

    So glad the end of this phase is in sight for you. It’s been a long haul!