Fishing Season

Yesterday morning I woke up with a bit of acid reflux. I figured it was probably the double-fillet Otropo burger and chips I’d had for lunch. Or perhaps the 2.4 L of Lift. Or maybe the half a bag of licorice bullets, or half a pack of cheese and onion chips. Or Chokito bar, 2.5 fish cocktails and 2 potato scallops I’d had for dinner or maybe the 6 small cherry ripe bars. It must have been one of these.

Anyway the basic cure for reflux – exercise – worked well, and after a brief trot around Centennial park I felt much better. On the way I saw this guy:


Yes yes, I know – always with the spider photos! He’s a classic orb weaver, about 6cm in length from leg tip to tip. He says “Hello!”

Pat arrived late morning, and we set off to the city for a looksee. A couple of items I saw when I looked:

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Christmas Rilakkuma says “Hello!” as well 🙂

After some trotting around we ended up near the UFO catchers. Pat & Adam settled in at a pub downstairs to watch the cricket while Bernard and I tried our luck. I was not lucky; he was. Here’s some proof:


Amazingly, this was not his only prize! The other was bigger and greener. I’ll post a shot at some point.

After this I went trotting around again (to look – unsuccessfully – for new and original postcards and to get some cash) while the others watched cricket in the pub. During this trot Bernard’s luck continued as he won $200 on a poker machine!

And then, when the cricket was done, we discovered ‘Fishing Season’.


As you can see, it’s a tabletop arcade game with multiplay where the players shoot nets at fish to catch them. It’s token based, so you have to buy tokens and feed them in to play with, and as you catch fish the game shoots out tokens as prizes. Since there was no way to redeem the tokens, we just fed them back into the machine to keep playing.

For three hours!

Yes my friends. The four of us, on a $20 investment, sat there and played Fishing Season for three whole hours! How’s that for value for money? At one point we were up to nearly three times our original number of tokens, and I reckon we could have played for much longer had we not, at one point, just started ‘rapid firing’ nets just to burn through our credits.

And then, in the evening, there was four player Magic and K-Pop till midnight 🙂

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