Dog Lovers

Last night we went to Wentworth Park, to watch the puppies run.


The races started at 6:45 and ran till 10 pm, 10 in total. We had no form or foreknowledge, and picked out dogs mostly randomly. And they ran like their tails were on fire!



The dogs are greyhounds and they chase a ‘rabbit’ (the orange thing that runs along the rail in front of them). Here’s a shot of one of the beasts as he was paraded before the race.



That’s Bernard placing a bet right there. And here’s the betting results:

RS: Bet $6 total, won $6.45 total (4 wins)
BS: Bet $103 total, won $10+? total (2 wins) {he has one ticket yet to cash}
AW: Bet $100 total, won $61 total (4 wins)
MB: unknown {we think he broke even}

Obviously I was the winner here. I attribute that to my natural affinity with hounds.


The dogs got faster when the sun went down. I got tired!


Probably because of my epic walk earlier in the day, when we finally got home I was knackered. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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