Squirrels Of The World, Rejoice!

Here’s our new squirrel feeder:


The screw on the left is for a corncob, the and right hand side is a top-loading container designed to hold ‘squirrel food’. The squirrels can get into it by lifting up the hinged lid.

I installed it about a week ago, and it was a few days before any of the furry little buggers showed any interest. Here’s the first guy we saw using it (these photos are a bit blurry since they were taken at range with my phone and zoomed in):


Initially, as you can see, they just sat on the roof and ate the corncob. of course it didn’t take long for the cob to be stripped, at which point they immediately worked out how to get at the delicious mix or corn and sunflower seeds packed into the hopper:




Aren’t they fat!

When I say ‘they’, this could of course always be the same squirrel. But we think there were at least two, based on the ears. Here’s a ground level shot of one of them enjoying his all-you-can-eat banquet:


What a fatty!

Here’s a shot of the same guy, from inside the house:


It only took them a couple of days to empty the hopper. Right after this post, I’m heading out to refill it once again 🙂

One Response to “Squirrels Of The World, Rejoice!”

  1. alma says:

    We love the squirrel feeder, it looks great on the tree. We believe you two love the little furries just as much as we do. I mum am so sorry Australia miss out on these delightful creatures. The koala does not measure up to the squirrel.