Food Mover

Very soon we’re hopping on the train for Canberra, but I thought I’d squeeze in a quick post while Adam’s getting ready.

The topic is food and drink 🙂


Look at the above. Ignoring for the moment the fact that no one should drink Mr Dew in a country with Lift available, see how they need to label that it contains caffeine. This is unusual, since soda in Australia is typically caffeine free.


Some more food labeling. Note the caloric content listed right on the poster, and then the ‘average’ caloric intake listed at the bottom. I’ll leave you to debate whether this is deceptive advertising…


Just a sample of the amazing variety of flavours available in this country that has a population of 1/15th the USA. Others include mint, ‘big chockie biscuit’ and strawberry white crumble.


My dinner last night. The food of kings!


A random shot of the display at Chicken George (a ‘chicken butcher’) at 7 am yesterday. Just-chicken shops are common here.


Australia loves their Weet-Bix!


My beverage of choice for breakfast yesterday. It had a melancholic taste like forgotten youth.

Let’s move on a bit… one quaint aspect of Australia is that Newspapers still print those single sheet advertisements. And I find it funny that even respectable papers seem to embrace scandal to sell copies.


Amongst other things yesterday we found ourselves at the UFO catchers near Chinatown. They are every bit as good as ever, but one of the fellows in this machine refused to allow me to win it:


Last but not least, I found Bernard that t-shirt he’s always wanted:


Good to know next Christmas is already taken care of 🙂

One Response to “Food Mover”

  1. Bernard says:

    That shirt is awesome, I’d wear it to work.

    And I’d inhale one of those chicken and bacon ‘burgers’.