Happy Life With Rilakkuma

Firstly, Bernard is actively blogging the trip, so be sure to visit his blog as well.

Today we had plans for Skytree, but changed them due to potential rain to a day in Shibuya. The idea was low impact activities due to Bernard’s feet, but it seems – happily – he is on the mend πŸ™‚


His friend in the above shot is the side of a print club photo machine. They promise the world now: despite how you look the machine will make beautiful photos of you. Hrm…


That’s the (terrifying) controls for the toilet in Tokyu Hands. The seat was heated and possibly slightly vibrating already, but I kept my hands far, far away from those buttons since I’m not yet at the level of using a robocrapper.

Lunch was Subway, but for second lunch, we had the limited time only Super Potato at McDonalds, which is the biggest serving of fries they have ever done:


It cost Y490 (about $5) and contains about three large fries. Between the three of us, we soon had it looking like this:


That’s 1,000,000 calories well spent I reckon!

We visited a few stores, bought a bunch of stuff, played some UFO catchers and had some laughs. Before we knew it 7 hours had passed! Our last stop for the day was this place…


OMG you can almost see the fries in my belly! The Kuma store was even crazier than you could imagine. Products for every aspect of your life were obtainable here and it was difficult to choose what to buy! For instance, while wearing your hat…


…you could clean the house…


…before having a snack…


…then making some labels…


…and possibly ending your day with a visit to a throne like the one described above πŸ™‚


I’ll end today with some shots of my dessert. It’s a cream sponge cake purchased for a song from the convenience store, and it’s delicious!



Tomorrow we’re getting out of the city for a day trip. Oh, and we all kind of love Nameko the mushroom now πŸ™‚

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