NYCC 2013 Day 3

Ok I’ll get this out of the way first: the crowds were horrible! In a sense everyone was cosplaying today, as a sardine in a can. Even the lines for the men’s toilets were dozens long, and we all know that’s crazy talk!

The day started with a line to get an autograph from Colin Baker. Ever the charming gentleman, this is now the second time I’ve seen him at this con:


He was guarded by the same Dalek that is here every year. I inspected it quite closely and discovered many of its parts actually move! I wonder if it could be manipulated from inside?


We had a tentative list of six panels to attend, but only made it to one. This was because of the queues mostly, which tend to eat up as much time as the panel. Getting to two consecutive panels not in the same room would be optimistic (to say the least), and there are ~20 different rooms.

Anyway we got to the room for our panel early and sat through the preceding panel on the TV show Once Upon A Time. Since we don’t watch it, we mostly enjoyed the respite from the crowds, but I just sat there and harvested 3DS street passes. I’ve got >100 these past two days alone, from six countries. If you sat in a central location I suspect you could just collect them nonstop for as long as you like.

The panel we were interested in was for Rebels, the new Star Wars animated show due next year. Not much has been revealed but we were treated to a great overview of the Imperial forces as seen in the show and the first-time-ever reveal of a new villian:


That guy is working for Vader and his job is to hunt the Jedi that survived Order 66. Thrilling stuff! But in all sincerity, Rebels looks great so far.

Speaking of Star Wars, here I am with a life-sized Yak Face:


And eating lunch in the VIP room:


More purchases were made. I think our bounty is about eclectic and otaku as any, and I haven’t even bought a comic yet! Maybe I’ll list some of the stuff here…

Being the biggest day, Saturday is when the cosplay goes to the next level and today absolutely did not disappoint. For instance… here’s a wonderful Ursula the Sea Witch from Little Mermaid:


An amazing (mostly cardboard!) Ultron:


A great pair of Star Wars fans:


A genuinely creepy Gollum:


And this dude:


The quality of this Daft Punk cosplay beggared belief. He had a stereo strapped to his back, and dozens of LEDs under the surface of his visor animated in time to the music. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just purchased this helmet, but if it was home made then he took cosplay to a new level.

Oh, and here’s the same girl from the Kotobukiya booth in her day 3 outfit:


She’s doing girls from the Bishoujo figure line. For tomorrow’s last day, she said she’ll be batgirl 🙂

Bernard: want me to buy this for you? I’ll only charge a modest finders fee:


All told we spent 7+ hours there today, and I was ruined when we left. Tomorrow is the last day but promises to be another full one. I wonder what new things we may see…?


2 Responses to “NYCC 2013 Day 3”

  1. mycroft says:

    Wait for the “Black Hole” remake, BS – there’ll be more merch than you can handle 🙂

  2. Bernard says:

    OMG your shirt!

    You could probably sell them there…