Challenging The Head

Yesterday was another long cruise back along the canal, retracing our path from before. It was raining, but the boat is well protected even on deck. The bigger issue was I seem to have packed for Australia and therefore had no cold weather clothes! Luckily the boat is well equipped, and here is a time-lapse of my increasingly covered self at the till:


We’ve been mixing up the driving duties. KLS and myself do most of the normal driving, and we hand off to Foosrazzle for the ‘finesse work’ in the locks. The boat is 15 tonnes, flat bottomed, draws three feet of water, and manning the till can be quite physical in a current. And Bernard, there’s enough data there to calculate stopping distance from the max speed of 6 mph!


That’s a shot of one of the ‘heads’, which works the same as the ones at home. The shower, sinks – even oven – are all basically the same as well. This is a bit like a floating hotel room.


There’s me on one of the beds, looking a bit green. I was feeling a bit sickly yesterday, and very tired. I did many hours of driving in the AM and was almost asleep at the till. Rather than risk a tragic accident and the loss of all souls on board, I instead napped. Later in the evening we concluded my symptoms were possibly due to dehydration since I’d (sort of…) forgotten to drink for almost two days! I feel better now 🙂


Look at those pearly whites!!


The towns along the canal all have docks that provide services to boaters including power, water, septic pumping, garbage etc. This boat has an inverter that can generate AC from the engine, and also batteries, but we still connect to shore power at night. The water tank we fill daily, but (thankfully!) we don’t need to worry about pumping the sewer tanks!

Last night we stayed in Seneca Falls. We haven’t really done anything in the towns we have stayed since we’re very tired. However to give you an idea of the character of these fine towns here are a couple of snaps I took the past few days:



Here we are right now, docked in the town of Palmyra:


This is a famous berg in the history of Alien visitation sights. Google ‘Hill Cumorah’ for more information…

Today we’re heading west past Fairport (where JBF lives) and toward Rochester before turning and berthing tonight in Fairport. It’ll be rainy again, so you can look forward to more photos of me looking manly like a North Sea fisherman on the blog tomorrow 🙂

One Response to “Challenging The Head”

  1. alma says:

    You seem to be having a good time. Common sense is not always common with a genius. Remember to keep your fluids up.

    The boat looks very compact, and very neat inside. Is it a new boat? Are they your bikes we see on the boat, or do they provide them for the tourist?

    Continue to enjoy your interesting trip.