Eagle Has Landed

It’s 2 am and I seem to be wide awake (after falling asleep just after 7 pm). Those pesky time zones!

The trip was the usual living hell, compounded by an inability to concentrate that left me unable to read, play or watch anything. So I sat in the dark listening to music.

The airport was even super-faster than ever. I was through customs and immigration in under 5 minutes!


That’s a rare shot of The Prince of Randwick, taken at a fine local restaurant which gave me my first meal in over a day. We exchanged several Christmases worth of gifts, and all was good 🙂


It was raining lightly when I arrived in Sydney, but by midday it was warming up.


By mid-afternoon, when we went out for more food, it had gotten sunny and hot. I burned myself a bit it seems, as I staggered through the streets of Randwick barely awake.


Which reminds me I should probably try to go back to sleep…

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