Around The World In One Day

I’m about 20 hours into my ~25 hour return home, and it’s been an unusual series of events. In no particular order:

– The food on the Sydney -> LA flight was actually good! I had a (cold) chicken salad for dinner and an omelette for breakfast. For the first time I can ever remember, I ate most of the meals.
– I read ‘The Wizard Of Lemuria’ (a 1965 Lin Carter fantasy novel) and watched only one film (the execrable ‘The Maze Runner’) the remaining 15-odd hours of flight so far were spent daydreaming or listening to music.
– I sat next to a 20 year old cutie from Vegas who is in the process of emigrating to Oz. Half the flight she was fast asleep, and the other she endlessly told me stories of North Sydney parties and her own (no doubt financed by rich parents) extravagant travels.
– My carry-on bag was checked in LA and since I was jet lagged I forgot to remove anything I needed, including my belt and coat. Therefore in Detroit airport (where I am now) I am somewhat cold and somewhat pantsless!
– The guy next to me on the flight from LA to here spent half his time bidding on ultra-expensive vintage turntables on eBay (I saw him make a $7900 bid!) and the other half writing poetry about snorting cocaine (“drinking lines of light”). I’m not making this up!


As expected I’m in a fugue, barely knowing where I am or what time it is. I need to eat but am not hungry, and I need to sleep but am not tired. I’ll continue to pass the hours until my last flight walking around listening to Morrissey at insane volumes…

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