The Emerald Isle

I’m in Ireland. My trip here was easy but to be honest about as unpleasant as some of the Oz trips: uncomfortable, long (since I took the train to NYC before flying), and capped with an extremely turbulent red eye over to Ireland. Problem is I didn’t sleep a wink, so was very tired upon arrival! 

I’m staying with Florence here – she’s been in Ireland over a year now. We spent the day catching up and she showed me around the village in which she lives.

That’s the local university just a hop-skip from her apartment. There also the ruins of a ~400 year old castle right next door. Aside from such things (and the weather) Ireland reminds me a lot of Australia so far. 

Many of the graves in that shot are older than Australia 🙂

By about 4 I was crashing hard, but I managed to make it until about 8pm before I was just falling asleep on the couch. So it was an early night for me!

Of course now it’s 3am and I’m wide awake!

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