
Yesterday’s train to London was extremely comfortable: 

And as of the cabin wasn’t good enough, my first class ticket also meant free food. I was in hog heaven when I was handed a bacon sandwich: 


It was a lovely trip through endless countryside that mostly looked like this: 


Many times the rail line traveled alongside s canal and I saw many narrowboats chugging along.

I also saw legions of cows and sheep and even managed a quick shot of a flock of camels fleeing from a falling star: 


After arriving in the city and checking into my (barebones but clean) hotel I headed out to explore. 



The subway here is expensive if you’re only here a day. Since I wasn’t going to buy an Oyster card, I had to pay for individual tickets, which was about $8 per trip. The trains are also old, a bit too hot and don’t run as frequently as other metros. 


I got off at Leicester Square, a short walk from Trafalgar. The weather was beautiful and the crowds large as I walked to The Mall toward Westminster Abbey. 


It seemed to get hotter as the day got older, and later on I’d notice that I actually got a little sunburned. The crowds at the Abbey were massive, and I quickly discovered they had stopped selling tickets for the day! I headed toward the river… 


Amazingly, I bought more postcards here and there. I’ve sent about ten so far this trip, but have about 20 more in my bag 🙂 


Last time in London we didn’t ride The Eye due to colossal lines. I very much wanted to remedy this yesterday but once I got there the lines were just as bad. I wasn’t going to wait hours so continued on my way… 


I saw more in my wanderings: Oxford St, Soho, Picadilly Circus and many shops but I was getting very tired and eventually shuffled back for an early bedtime. Considering I only had half a day, I think I did a pretty good whirlwind tour of London!

Today – very soon actually – I’m hopping on the train to Paris! An underwater train!? This should be an experience…

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