Summer In Berlin

I’m been experiencing the ennui of one not on an overseas vacation, so it’s time to remedy the situation. Therefore, with great pomp and ceremony, later this week we will be going to Germany!


This is of course no sudden decision. This trip has been in the late-planning stages for some weeks, the early-planning stages for a couple of years and the distant-planning stages for a lifetime. I do of course have Teutonic blood in my veins, and it’s time to return to das Vaterland and reclaim my throne!

But this is no solo trip! I will be traveling with a company of four others: Kristin, Bernard, Jim and Alois. Starting and ending in Frankfurt, we’re going to do the whole country in style together – from castles to beer-houses – wearing our German last names (yes, even Jim) with pride. Here’s our route:

Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 8.17.26 AM

Very little is planned! We’ve booked out hotels and our trains, as well as a coach trip to Castle Neuschwanstein (in the picture above), but the rest of the adventure is an open book. I suspect there’ll be a lot of this though:


I estimate there will be about 24 hours in total of rail and coach transport during our two week trip. To keep morale high as we ride the rails, I have prepared a ‘German Travel Quiz’ for Bernard. 25 fiendish trivia questions in five topics await him! He only has to score 60% per topic to win up to five prizes, but if he loses he will forsake his ‘escrow prize’ (in other words, I’ll keep it). If he gets at least 60% on every quiz he will win the ultimate prize, but if he fails even once he’s going to give me his handheld computer from the 1980s. Maybe. We’ll see πŸ™‚


This promises to be a memorable and epic vacation. Needless to say you can – and should – follow our travels here on this very blog!

2 Responses to “Summer In Berlin”

  1. Florence says:

    So, shandies then? πŸ™‚

  2. Robert says:

    I’m going to shandy like I’ve never shandied before!

    Maybe πŸ˜‰