Wildlife XI: Return of the Robo Camera

This time I left the camera out for about 6 weeks, and it took a staggering 800+ photos. Incredibly the batteries still had 30% charge left after all this time (which included a series of extremely hot days). I’m really pleased with this camera overall.

Looking through all those photos for hidden gems was a bit of a drag though, since about 775 of them had nothing of much interest 🙂

Let’s start with the squirrel shots for mum:




Doing a quick tail comparison tells me the first and last shots are of different squirrels, which is entirely likely given the number of them living around here. The selfie shot is funny isn’t it?

You can see I switched the position of the camera after the first month. This was to catch a very particular target on film, but I’m sad to say I failed. I’ll try again though, and I’ll leave you in suspense as to what I’m after…

The rest of the shots were of the usual cats:



Exactly two (consecutive) frames of a deer:



A bunny:


This creature I am having trouble identifying (but is most likely the fluffy white cat):


And a few shots of possum bums (and no I’m not joking).

Still no foxes. Still no ground hogs. Still no wolves, bears or even bigfeet.

The search continues…

2 Responses to “Wildlife XI: Return of the Robo Camera”

  1. alma says:

    Love the pictures of the night animals. The Squirrels are my favourites especially the selfie fellow. His tail is magnificent.

  2. alma says:

    The cats are running around at night. I thought everyone had to keep their cats inside in America. Here they run around the place and eventually become feral. We have a few here and some silly people feed them. One of them got bitten the other day, and had to get a tetanus needle and antibiotics. She is still feeding the cat!!!