The Cold Front

Yesterday was a monster of a day. I caught the very early train, and sitting at Broadmeadow station at 5 am I was already sweating like a dog. 

I was in Sydney early, sand after dropping my stuff off at AW’s went out for a bit of shopping.

As if the heat wasn’t bad enough (40 at its peak) the humidity was drenchingly high, and just being outside was extremely uncomfortable. I did my usual rounds (Newtown, Chinatown, Kino etc) and by the time I headed back a cold front was blowing in. This led to a powerful storm, and a massive drop in temperature to the mid teens.

That’s why I’m dressed like a loony! The change brought rains which fell on Sydney most of today, and at times a collapsible umbrella just wasn’t enough. 

So I prioritized indoor attractions, such as the main cathedral on Hyde Park, or the NSW Art Gallery, where the previous and following were taken: 

While I looked at all the exhibits, I was particularly interested in the 19th century landscapes and they didn’t disappoint. Other works, such as the two modern pieces above, didn’t have the same appeal. 

A bracing stroll through the botanical gardens took me to the opera house, where a friend posed for a photo: 

Here’s another shot of the bridge from the opposite side. This was taken from the ferry I caught today.

I did other things, but I’m too tired to remember now. Well, except for this opalized dinosaur skeleton: 

That’s a good time to end. I’ll try and be more awake next time I post 🙂

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