Jetlagged In The Early Hours

We arrived safe and sound. The trip was quite pleasant compared to the Oz hauls, but our hotel room wouldn’t be ready for hours so we headed into the city via Hyde Park for a look see.

The park and city was full of people. Streets had been closed from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace for a cycling event and half of England seems to have turned up.

We did the rounds, fought the crowds, saw some sights but in the early afternoon jetlag has caught up with us (~30 hours with no sleep) and we returned to a beautiful hotel room and much needed rest.

That’s Paddington Station, just a hop and a skip from our hotel. It’s now 1 am and I’m wide awake ready for the day! I wish I could sleep a bit more…

One Response to “Jetlagged In The Early Hours”

  1. alma says:

    Read your blog. Look forward to reading more about your trip. ?