Big Time

That’s ‘The Big Prawn’ which we briefly stopped at on the way out of Ballina today. About two hours later we arrived at this…

Which is called ‘The Big Banana’ and is in Coffs Harbour, where we’re staying the night.

This is another coastal town, very popular with tourists, that seems to have a lot to see and do. Shortly after we arrived the rains came in and we both had lethargy attacks so we didn’t see much at all today. But we hope to remedy that first thing tomorrow.

On the topic of food we may not be eating well but I can assure you we’re eating a lot! At least B is. I’m struggling everyday to not eat everything I see, and somewhat succeeding, in part because I may have a slight cold coming on.

The motel is comfy and this bed I’m in lulls me to sleep. Cell signal is flaky here, so apologies if you’ve been trying to contact me and heard no response. Until tomorrow…

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