Henny Penny

I’d been wanting Henny Penny for a while. It’s an old Newcastle-region chicken fast food chain that has mysteriously not yet gone out of business. Bernard wasn’t interested, but I knew Sue would be, and yesterday we drove up to Salamander Bay and had some.

That was my lunch: a chicken roll. I declined both gravy and mayo so it’s just chicken on a roll. Sue was apalled by how disgusting it looked and while it was so dry as to almost inedible I have to say I loved it!

Sue had chicken, chips and gravy and her review – as a professional Henny Penny consumer – was that it wasn’t as good as at other HP’s. So there you go!

Surprise, surprise it was very hot out yesterday, which limited what we were interested in doing up at the bay (even a few minutes walking was uncomfortable!), but on the way back to Newcastle we stopped at AW’s old stomping ground of Boat Harbour and climbed all over an outcropping near the beach.

The sea breeze was strong and the giant rock pool we found at was great, containing urchins, crabs, starfish, tiny fish and even jellies! Some of the other pools were even deep enough to jump into and others were doing exactly that. I bet in his youth AW did the very same.

I used to spend hours poking into rock pools as a kid, looking for and collecting all sorts of creatures. These days the ones on the ‘main’ beaches are usually empty of all but seaweed and sand so it was a treat to find one so full of life. 

Today there is a slight reprieve from the oppressive heat so I’m taking advantage of it for one of my long walks…

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