
Yesterday we took the bullet train to Osaka, a very comfortable trip that took about 2.5 hours speeding along at about 300 km/hr.

The weather was lovely (as it has been every day) but even better it was a clear day and we got a spectacular view of Mt Fuji!

We’re in Osaka several days and have a lot planned. Yesterday we visited the famous castle, just south of the city center.

We walked eight flights of stairs to get to the top, but it was worth it for the view!

Afterwards we explored the area close to the hotel (well, the multi-story game centers in the area…) before being absolutely blown away by our room:

It’s enormous, on the 29th floor and has a bathroom about as large as our entire room had been in Tokyo! Here’s some of the view:

This is Bernard-level comfort here 😉

One Response to “Osaka”

  1. Bernard says:

    Your room does look nice, although it’s a little cheap for my liking 😛