Bonus Post: The Incredible Model Toilet

Yesterday in a ‘retro candy’ shop we saw this:

A toilet model kit for under US$3? Naturally I had to buy it. Here’s the contents:

Looks like we got the ‘cute boy’ version (there are four randomly packed in the box). Here’s detail of the toilet parts still on the runners:

And here’s the assembled toilet:

He’s a charming guy isn’t he? Even better, he’s not just for looks: he has a function!

You pour in crystals from the packet, then add a bit of water and a magical thing happens:

Yes my friends, toilet-boy turns those crystals and water into a delicious foam that you can sip through a straw right from his bowl:

KLS tried it! Here’s her reaction:

It was, she said, an “evil banana” flavour 🙂

Here’s a final shot of toilet-boy presented in his diorama (cut from the box) with a full bowl of pleasure waiting for a lucky sipper:

I can’t guarantee we’ll see these things for sale again, but if you like what you see here and want your own let me know and I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

One Response to “Bonus Post: The Incredible Model Toilet”

  1. Bernard says:

    I want to taste “evil banana”.