All Done

That’s called a ’99’ ice cream: just a soft serve cone with a flake in it. We got these from a convenience store in Limerick yesterday and the guy made them super big. It was absurd and we giggled 🙂

Yesterday was returning to Limerick and just packing and resting (we’re exhausted) and preparing for the trip home, which is shortly after I write this.

I wrote the last postcards as well. Some of you will be receiving them long after we’ve returned home!

Ireland’s been wonderful. The people are friendly and welcoming, the scenery is beautiful and both of us love the climate!

I think we’ll be back one day 🙂

One Response to “All Done”

  1. alma says:

    Ready to leave – you will be both happy and sad to go, but your will have beautifull memories in your hearts for many years to come. Safe trip home.