Zoffy Update!

We’ve had little Zoffy for two weeks now and she is settling in well.

About a week ago we let her out of the room she first stayed in and into the entire house. She was a bit nervous at first but in a day or so had finished exploring every conceivable nook and cranny and had claimed the house as hers.

Of course this means she’s now met Emi, and I’m happy to say that while they’re not fast friends yet, there’s no major disagreements between them. Zoffy is more nervous of Emi than vice versa though, and tries to avoid getting too close.

Zoffy is quite tall for a young cat, and one of her tricks is to stand up and look at things like a meerkat! (Yes that’s me napping on the couch…) Look at her cute stubby legs…

She loves lazing on the bed, or even sleeping in the laundry baskets…

But more than anything right now she loves playing with the myriad of toys scattered around. This includes things she shouldn’t touch (such as toys on my work desk!) so I have to keep a close eye on her to make sure she’s not getting into trouble.

She’s very active, very hungry and loves attention so never runs from a pat. The only quirk that I hope she grows out of soon is she is terrified of the TV πŸ™‚

Needless to say she’s filling a void with her cuteness and our smiles πŸ™‚

One Response to “Zoffy Update!”

  1. J K says:

    *very* *very* cute!!!! and great photographs! πŸ˜‰