Twelve Things We Saw At The Fair

We we to The Big E yesterday, the mega-fair one state over. We went with Jim and Joyce and saw many things! Here’s a sample.

That’s my view from the top of the McDonalds super slide. It was faster than I expected, and I momentarily broke my finger as I careened down out of control!

The butter sculpture was astonishingly vertical and we were skeptical it was made entirely of butter. The child was about a meter tall.

Tater-tot cosplay.

It turns out Pez are made only a few hours from where we live! They had a shop in one of the state pavilions selling a mind-boggling array of the things. If I actually liked Pez I may have bought some…

This is a cute horsey-thing with fuzzy ears like mine. If you look closely at his eye though, you’ll see the spark of madness.

The winning pumpkin was over 590 kg! If you hollowed it out I could easily have fit inside. Imagine carrying this to the fair??!

Here I am eating my lunch. It was great, but the second one I got was even better! In addition to this, between us we ate baked potatoes, lobster rolls, finnish pancakes, mac and cheese, lemon ice and cream puffs.

Joyce spent time watching horseplay in the arena. While she did this we walked through the pavilion of hucksters selling endless ‘as-seen-on-TV’ stuff. It’s a fair staple I can even remember from the fairs of my youth.

Speaking of memories, the last fair ride I actually rode was one of these. It was a couple of years back and made me horribly sick. I rode nothing yesterday, but I still love watching all of them. (Lest you think I’m a chicken I’ll remind you of this!)

The art on some of the rides was next-level strange. The one on the top left was taken from a funhouse attraction that was the thing of nightmares. The top right was a zombie themed ghost train that I probably should have ridden 🙂

Some fool making a fool of himself…

In the afternoon the rain came in and ultimately we had to leave. But it was a full and tiring day and – as with last year – we didn’t see everything! I guess we’ll have to return again one time 🙂

One Response to “Twelve Things We Saw At The Fair”

  1. alma says:

    Sorry we could not be there with you. It looks a great fair.