That Time Of Year

Happy July 4!

No interstate trip this year due to COVID, so these guys came from the local grocery store.

We let them off last night after a day of cookouts and Gundam building.

The Kims were to share the holiday with us. As we lit our fireworks the sound of booming echoed around our neighborhood: obviously many other people did take the interstate trip to get the big fireworks 🙂

Our modest display was fun though. All fireworks are fun, and I’m glad the pandemic didn’t shut this down like so many other joys.

We kept some back since we’re going to visit the oldies in a few weeks and want them to enjoy fireworks as well 🙂

And here’s a bonus shot: Kristins work booked out the drive-in last Thursday night and before the film gave everyone a professional fireworks show:

It was great!

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