Ten Places I’d Like To Visit

Adam had a great idea for a blog post: both of us listing (in 50 words or less) ten places we’d love to visit. This post contains mine; read his list here.

The Bay Of Fundy in the southeastern corner of Canada is known for delicious seafood and some of the biggest tidal surges in the world. We were going to go last year before covid changed our plans, and once the borders reopen it’s high on our agenda.

There’s many good reasons to visit New Zealand, but ever since I saw them on TV as a child I’ve wanted to visit Waitomo Glowworm Caves. Imagine an ‘underground’ boat trip lit only by worms! That’s magic 🙂

The Isle Of Wight off the south coast of England has the worlds largest wild kangaroo population outside of Australia. It’s also a popular tourist destination with sunny beaches, tourist activities and natural beauty aplenty. I’ll go one day for sure.

Selecting a single destination in Switzerland was difficult but in the itinerary I made for our intended trip Zermatt was the destination I was most looking forward to. The reasons for canceling that trip seem silly now post-covid so maybe I’ll visit one day after all?

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto barely needs an explanation. Of everything on this list, this may be the first one I visit.

Speaking of Japan, I’ve always wanted to visit Okinawa! I hardly need to explain my love of Japan, and I think of this as ‘Japan’s Hawaii’ so naturally I’d love to see it for myself.

I’ve always been interested in the Mediterranean Riviera and while France is an obvious destination I’ve already been there so the picturesque Portofino is a natural alternative. I’ve made so many jigsaws of this place, and I’ve always wondered what it would be like to visit…

Gundam Factory is a brand new (in 2020) attraction in Yokohama Japan that I absolutely positively will visit. I guarantee you’ll read about it on this very blog when I do 🙂

Tasmania has always held a strange fascination to me, and ever since Bernard offered to chauffeur me around in a rented luxury car Hobart has jumped to the top of my ‘Oz capital to visit next’ list! I bet I’ll get sick on the ferry though…

We’ve been to the northernmost point of England, and ever since I’ve wanted to hit the southernmost point – Lands End – as well. It’s a tourist trap for sure, but they also have the southernmost post office on England so I can buy postcards and send them from right there!

And there you have it: ten locations, at least 8 of which I hope to visit within the next five years. Which ones sound most interesting to you?

3 Responses to “Ten Places I’d Like To Visit”

  1. mycroft says:

    Your list is exciting!

    Can recommend Hobart. Tassie is the most distinctly different part of Australia, in my opinion. I remember the cold on the ferry more than any roughness. Out in the middle of Bass Strait…brrrrr!

  2. Robert says:

    Many of my locations are coastal. More than anything during covid I miss the seaside. I hope to remedy that this summer.

  3. Robert says:

    In retrospect I’d probably now remove Portofino and replace it with Jeju Island, a holiday destination of South Korea!