
On the way to Salem we stopped at Plymouth to visit a reproduction of The Mayflower and see the famous Plymouth Rock.

Both were worth the trip! Afterwards we ate fish’n’chips on the wharf and then walked out into the jetty you can see in the background of the above photo.

Kids were ‘fishing’ for crabs from the bridge, and we watched them lower nets down and pull up crabs almost immediately! It was quite extraordinary to see, and I imagined how much I would have loved doing something like that as a kid. (The crabs were smallish, and they release them all when they’re done.)

After our stop in Plymouth we drove to Salem, our second major destination.

Salem is one of the most unique places I’ve ever visited. While it has a rich history – only a small part of which involves witches – the tourist industry has become a quirky blend of witches and horror movies and magic. There’s dozens of shops and attractions crammed into only a few blocks selling all sorts of ‘witchy’ souvenirs or offering magical experiences. The town has embraced witches 110%, and that’s why the tourists are here 🙂

We of course partook, and bought some insane stuff. I also found an amazing comic/collectibles shop and we stumbled upon an extraordinary artist in his studio and bought a framed print of an octopus directly from him!

Oh and I had a Pluto Pup. Or a Dagwood Dog. Or a Corndog. Whatever you call it, it was fantastic:

And KLS had these:

The macaroon flavours were earl grey tea, lavender, rose, chocolate, lemon and birthday cakes! The other thing was chocolate mouse with a thin crunchy center and a mirror glaze. She said it was all fabulous 🙂

Salem was great and weird and well worth the trip (and I didn’t even mention the tourist trolley or the wax museum we did), but it’s now time to continue our road trip. Where will be going next…?

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