Ramen 15: Let All The Children Boogie

Three more chicken noodle reviews! Perhaps I blur the ‘ramen’ definition a bit this time…

Myojo Udon (Artificial Chicken Flavor) (210 Calories, 0 g fat, 2100 mg sodium)

I used to buy a chicken udon product years back and enjoyed it a lot, so I was hopeful for this one. The fact it’s zero fat and very low calorie was interesting, as was the preparation instructions which were simple and just required a microwave.

When it was ready it had virtually no smell, and I was concerned I had another flavorless product on my hands, so I was very surprised when I had a mouthful and discovered how absolutely repulsive the taste was. I’m not exaggerating here: a taste of dirt and death very nearly triggered my gag reflex and I had to spit it out. My notes (yes I keep notes for these reviews) say ‘tastes like poison grass’ and ‘made by devils in a factory controlled by Satan‘!

One of the very worst products I’ve reviewed, and I’ll give it -9/10 with just the fact the noodles cooked well keeping it from -10!

Maruchan Yakisoba (Chicken Flavor) (510 Calories, 21 g fat, 1300 mg sodium)

This is another microwave product, and as with the previous one was very easy to make. But even though I followed the instructions perfectly (I’m an expert chef after all) I wonder if perhaps the finished product needed a bit more water?

The taste is strong but very salty, and there’s perhaps 30% too many noodles for the low-eater I have become. But it’s satisfying overall, a thoroughly decent product, and in a pinch I’d eat it again: 7/10.

Hello Kitty Chicken Noodle Soup (300 Calories, 12 g fat, 810 mg sodium)

This – which was purchased at a toy/collectible store – is easily the most expensive ramen I’ve reviewed at $6! Obviously the cost all goes into the license, since the taste left a lot to be desired.

One flavor packet contained revolting toothpaste-consistency fat, and the sharp smell of the finished product almost made me gag. It didn’t taste anything like chicken, and I’m informed by KLS (who liked it) that it was more of a curry soup. Absolutely not worth the money, and barely worth 3/10.

That’s an astonishing 39 products reviewed, and it may be time to conclude that I have exhausted every type of chicken-only instant noodle product available where I live. If I wanted to continue this series, I’d probably have to go on a trip to distant shores of hitherto unseen chicken ramen…

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