33 Hours

I flew to Australia today, and yesterday. The trip took me 33 hours and was a living hell.

I dutifully followed Covid regulations and advice, and wore a mask virtually nonstop the entire time. Few others did.

That’s a photo of Jack, a service dog that sat in the footwell of my seat-neighbor on one of the domestic flights. Once his owner fell asleep he scooted over and used my feet as his pillow for almost the entire 4 hour flight. I didn’t want to wake him since he was cute 🙂

I walked around Atlanta airport for 3 hours and didn’t come close to visiting all 192 gates. I did stumble upon a nifty display of collectible licensed lunchboxes though!

By the time I got to LA I was ruined both in body and soul. It was with a heavy heart I staggered onto the ‘big flight’ which then progressed in the usual way: seemingly endless tedium. But I made it in the end, and 33 hours after leaving home I made it to my Sydney hotel.

Of course the jetlag is intense, but this time since I was loathe to remove my mask I suspect I was dehydrated and famished as well when I got here. Happily that’s been remedied, but I think it will take a few days for the blisters at the top of my ears (from 30+ hours of mask wearing to go away).

One Response to “33 Hours”

  1. mycroft says:

    Good old Jack. I reckon he was offering you his support. (While allowing your feet to support him.)