The Seaside

I walked and walked today, to and then along the sea.

Merewether was gusty and chill, and the waves roared over the sea wall behind the baths. Only a few brave souls were swimming and they didn’t look comfortable!

The paddle pool was sheltered from the waves and glasslike. It looks quiet and peaceful but as I was standing there the crashing sound of the waves behind me was ceaseless. I like this photo and may one day use it in a lecture on reflections.

I walked on past Bar Beach and Cooks Hill toward Newcastle Beach. The surf was powerful and the beaches were empty of all but a few surfers. I walked past more giant apartment buildings that have sprung up along the coast, and thought about how the Newcastle of my youth is mostly gone. But the beach never changes, and the above photo is virtually identical to others I have made 10 or 20 years ago and probably also identical to those of 100 years hence.

To commemorate my coastal excursion it seemed only right to eat some fish and chips for lunch. This ($10!) serving was much more than I needed and I overate. It’s a good thing I walked and walked today, to burn it off.

Remember all the stamps I bought at the stamp show? Over several evenings I pre-stamped them onto postcards and the above photo reveals just how many I needed! I’ll leave it to you to decide if I went overboard 🙂

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