Odds & Ends

Lazy day today, mostly taking care of some tasks to assist mum and preparing for our trip to Sydney tomorrow.

I found the time for a walk later in the day, to the antique shops near mums. There are fewer now than there used to be, but they’ve become somewhat extraordinary in terms of the weird ephemera they contain, such as a giant display of cassette albums in one of them.

And if prerecorded music isn’t your thing, they also had a load of blank cassettes!

If cassettes are too modern for you, the other store had a large collection of phonograph cylinders! These weren’t priced so I don’t even know if they are for sale, but it was amazing to see so many together.

The same store had this lovely display of uranium glass. It was illuminated with a black light, and phosphoresces due to the presence of uranium in the glass (which means it is slightly radioactive).

I considered buying one, but even the smaller pieces are expensive and would be difficult to transport.

I feel these stores hide treasures that I need to find. I’ll probably return when I have a little more time 🙂

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