Mini-Golf Madness

That’s a lookout overlooking Burwood Beach. It’s also a launching point from which maniacs jump off with hang gliders. Today Sue and I set out from here and walked down to the beach at Glenrock Lagoon. That’s at the horizon in the photo, closer than it seems in the panorama but still a good walk including some tricky drops and climbs.

It was a lovely walk, with beautiful weather and lots of birds. I chatted endlessly like a madman and Sue laughed at my jokes, which is also fun 🙂

After lunch (maccas of course) we went and played…

Mini golf!!! The (indoor) course was like nothing I’d ever seen in America, and every hole had a theme. Above is obviously The Simpsons, but there was also this pool table one where you launch the ball from a pinball machine:

And this Nintendo one that incorporated Tetris!

Sue claimed she was an amateur, but scored a hole-in-one on her very first ball and then effortlessly won 15 of the 18 holes! The final score of all holes was her 55 to my 77+, although 15 of hers and 30+ of mine were on the last (incredibly difficult) Game Of Thrones hole. My defeat was near absolute 🙂

Next time I’m in town our rematch will be bowling!

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