Last Day

I slept in today, and when I finally got up on this, the last day of my trip, I started the tedious chore of packing. I’ve bought or acquired too much, and as always I’m concerned I’ve exceeded my weight limit. I suppose I’ll find out tomorrow.

Mid morning I headed to The Powerhouse Museum to see the microcar exhibit. Seventeen tiny vehicles were on display, all working and most original. Many were from the 1950’s and 1960’s and I learned several were born from novel ideas on how to repurpose WW2 aircraft factories such as the Messerschmitt above, which is built around a modified plane body.

The above shot shows the legendary Sinclair C5 from the 1980s alongside a similar vehicle from only a few years ago. Tiny electric cars seem like a great idea: why aren’t we there yet?

I also had a look at the electronic keyboard and synthesizer exhibit, although I found it lacking. The pieces were simply displayed (with no context or even information), and it would have been great to be able to hear example sounds from them. Don’t just tell us the Roland shown above was responsible for the iconic sound of Eurythmics Sweet Dreams, let us hear it!

Afterwards I did some more exploration (I found a fourth Gacha station) and lots of last-minute shopping before it was time for final packing and locking the bags.

I couldn’t decide what to eat for dinner, and ultimately went with my own hybrid I’ll call McPorto, which ended up being just right.

My flight is early which means I rise before the sun. It’s been a fast and exciting and busy and memorable month, and after 2.5 years it was wonderful to be able to do this again:

610,000 steps in 30 days means a daily step average of over 20,000. I’ve sent an insane amount of postcards (which take time) and done 30 daily blogs which I’ve never done before. All this left very little time to relax and I fear I’ve pushed myself perhaps a little too far.

I’m going to need a vacation!

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