What Came Back

I’m back home. My suitcases were stuffed like never before, and actually slightly overweight. I get 50 lbs/case, and combined the two were about 104 lbs, although the check in lady let it pass. Many many things came back with me, and here I’ll showcase a few.

I discovered LOZ bricks in Australia, and have been amazed by the quality of these LEGO competitors. I invested heavily, and eight sets came back with me. If you see these in shops, pick one up!

Sydney now has (at least) 5 Gacha machine stations, and as you can see I partook. My usual modus operandi for these is to keep them closed until I return home, lest I keep sinking money to get the particular item I wanted. We’ll open these over the next few weeks.

A couple of figures came back with me, both won from the same machine (at a cost I won’t discuss…) at the ufo catcher shop in Sydney. I’ve already opened them and both are high quality and look good on my shelves.

Yes I bought two Star Wars figures! I was surprised by the high cost and easy availability of these in Australia. While they’re considerably cheaper here, they’re almost never found in shops and the two above I’d never seen. The main reason I bought them though is that the elimination of plastic from packaging ensures the future of these figures is clouded, and the above may well be the last I ever buy.

I love the manga series Quintessential Quintuplets so when I saw an entire box of ‘wafer + card’ sold at the anime shop on Pitt Street I jumped at the chance. This was one of my most exciting purchases in Oz!

If you’re glancing over the photos so far and thinking ‘But wasn’t he in Australia?‘ then I’m not surprised. Much of my cases were full of Japanese stuff or old magazines (thanks AW!). But rest assured I have left the best for last, and the majority of the weight in my cases was this:

Behold chocolate! This isn’t even all of it, but can you believe all that candy?!? There’s even more:

Astonishing I brought back about 40 pounds of candy! Some of it will be gifted, but the remainder is for me and Kristin to enjoy over the next few months.

Other stuff not shown here: money (collectible coins mostly), coffee (for kls), kitchen goods (plates, tea towels), books, shirts and probably other stuff I’m forgetting due to jetlag. 🙂

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