
Yesterday we visited Kiyomizu Temple, one of the best-known temples in Japan and a very popular tourist destination. Even though we’d been to Kyoto thrice before, we’d never visited this place, which is a comment on how much there is to see in and around Kyoto.

The temple is hundreds of years old, and the famous verandah pictured above was built in 1633 and is all wood with no nails! Tradition states that if you jump off and fall the 15 meters and survive, your wish will come true. People used to actually do this, but it’s been prohibited for over 150 years now!

That’s a view from the verandah down into a courtyard below where water from a mountain stream flows into a small pond. Legend says that drinking this water also grants wishes. The lines were long when we got down there and we didn’t partake, but my wish would have been to find an S.H. Figuarts Zoffy figure in stock somewhere before we leave Japan 🙂

That’s a second verandah. The temple complex is large and spread across a mountainside overlooking Kyoto and has wonderful views. In spring with cherry blossoms in view this place would be beautiful!

Afterwards we lazily strolled the nearby shopping street with the endless crowds of Japanese who were visiting for hatsumode (visiting a shrine at new years to pray for good fortune). The shops sell all sorts of traditional souvenirs such as crackers and sweets and little ornaments, and it’s fun looking at it all. The above pic was taken outside one store, and is a cute reminder of the pandemic. Mask compliance here is incredibly high, and the few times we’ve seen anyone unmasked they are usually foreign tourists.

The afternoons activity was shopping, not to mention gatcha machine browsing and video gaming (more on that in a bit). We saw this display of companion robots (called Lovots) in an electronics store and they were adorable. At only $5000 plus $100/month for service they are designed to replace pets and are incredibly responsive. Text me if you want a video!

Today we’re going on a day trip. Check back tomorrow to see where!

One Response to “Kiyomizu”

  1. J K says:

    aww that kitty with mask is adorable