It was below freezing this morning when we woke. We probably didn’t have clothes warm enough for such a chill, so we lounged in the room for a bit, watching Japanese walking videos on the hotel TV.

I ventured out and bought a turkey sub and an avocado bagel around 8 am, and both were delicious. I’ll let you guess who ate what. I didn’t repeat yesterday’s mistake of Mt Dew for breakfast!

There’s an advertising battle in the city right now between the new Ghostbusters film and the new Godzilla film, and it seems Godzilla is winning. I expect the same will happen at the box office as well.

The above is in the window of a marijuana dispensary right next door to a McDonald’s WcDonald’s near Times Square. The plants appear real. I have no understanding of the current legality of pot in NY, but the shops continue to multiply, always look empty, and seem to focus more on things like gummies and edibles than actual stuff to smoke. We both suspect they’re for the tourists, but who knows?

The meals I ate this trip contained, in order, turkey, chicken, bacon, chicken, chicken, turkey and turkey. The above sign is therefore at least 50% correct.

The last postcards have been sent, the last shops visited, and we’re now on the train home. A successful trip it was!

Now perhaps I need to start thinking about the next vacation, to shores farther afield. I wonder what adventures I may have?

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