Somehow, Japan Has Returned

The flight was just as you’d expect, made bearable by the amazing customer service and the unusually comfy seat (for premium economy). Since I talked it up to anyone who’d listen, here’s a photo of my delicious fruit platter dinner:

I count eight types of fruit! It was all incredibly fresh and delicious too (especially the strawberries). But it didn’t stop there, since my second ‘snack’ meal was a special fruit version too:

The flight attendant probably thought I was a monkey since she randomly offered me (and it seems just me) a banana at one point as well 🙂

Anyway we arrived, and just in time since the currency/SIM card booths were closing as I reached them! The rain was also torrential and the taxi ride was quite an experience since the driver thought he was a formula one racer and cared not for the poor visibility! He even did a U-turn when he missed a street!

Dinner has been et, some important supplies bought, a bath had and it’s long past time for bed. At least it should be, but I just turned on the TV and this is starting:

Maybe I’ll stay up for a bit longer to see what it is 🙂

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